Welcome to The Ready Prepper!

Hi – I’m Steve, welcome to the Ready Prepper community!

A child of depression-era parents, Eagle Scout, and a lifelong student of being prepared. My parents taught me the importance of having a rotating supply of food, because hunger is as demoralizing as it is painful.

The scouts taught me to Be Prepared and taught me skills that no one else will teach you. Being educated and prepared taught me confidence that I will be a survivor, and I hope to bring together like-minded souls to create this confidence in others.

So let’s be friends – I’d love to send you a free gift – my eBook on the essentials of prepping containing tips on organizing, prioritizing, and executing your plan so you can push through the reactions of fear and hopelessness when tshtf.

If you’ll allow me the opportunity to share my content and super savings with you, you’ll have the opportunity to invest in others with what you’ve learned. And if I ever fail to provide the value you deserve you can unsubscribe at any time.

Please Note – I hate that my email provider insists on this, but when you submit your email address below you will be required to “double-opt-in”, that is, you will receive an email and will need to click a confirmation link. 
It’s not that I don’t trust you – such is the world we live in… 

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